May 23 Public Meeting for Preparation of EIR for "The Farm in Poway"

May 2019

The City of Poway will be hosting a public meeting for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for "The Farm in Poway". The meeting will be Thursday, May 23, 2019, 6:30pm to 8:00pm, City of Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway. The purpose of this scoping meeting is to further define the issues, feasible alternatives, and potential mitigation measures that may warrant in-depth analysis in the EIR. Items that the EIR may address are: aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources/tribal resources, energy, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology/water quality, land use and planning, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation/traffic, utilities and services, and wildfire.